Apple Photos and Photo Management go together.

Stay current and prepared for 2024.

The Photo Manager's Essential Pro Bundle keeps you in touch with the latest changes to the Apple platform and anticipates the unique expectations of the Apple client.

Your purchase includes revised content and updated workflows coming in the New Year.

Any questions? Reach out to me at [email protected].

Why become an expert in Apple Photos?

The knowledge and skills to help save clients from "photo overwhelm".

This bundle contains the proven tools and techniques to get the Apple Photos Library in shape, making a difference in your clients' photo experience and lives.

A photo management system with a safety net.

Leverage Apple's world-class technology and support system. Backups and redundancy are built-in.

An easy path to growing your successful business in photo management services.

Every iPhone user is a potential client. Remote organizing is built into Apple Photos. Uses hardware and software you are familiar with. 

Two Courses, Unlimited Access

In The Professionals' Playbook for Apple Photos, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to help save Apple-using clients from "photo overwhelm." 

Learn more about The Professionals' Playbook for Apple Photos

As with any machine, issues may arise with your, or your client's, Mac computer. Mac Tech Boot Camp ensures you know exactly how to handle it when issues arise with your, or your client's, Mac computer (without a long support call or visit to the Apple store).

Learn more about Mac Tech Boot Camp.

Here's What's Inside...

The Professionals' Playbook for Apple Photos

40 video lessons that cover key aspects of the client expectations, technical setup, and business considerations.

This course delivers almost 9 hours of valuable content about clients, file handling, features, quirks, philosophy, history, promise, editing, setup, remote management, great practices, and revenue opportunities with the Apple Photos ecosystem.

Regular Price: $495

Mac Tech Boot Camp

Back in the day, people learned how to change a tire when they had a flat. Or replace a fuse when the power went off. That was our everyday.

Now, our every day is online. With a computer. Running our lives and our business.

Mac Tech Boot Camp is about the basics of setting up and using your Mac. The digital equivalent of learning to change a tire.

Regular Price: $249

Total Value: $744

Today's Bundle Offer: $595

Save 20%!

Choose to pay in full, or break it up:

A Message from Your Instructor, Paul Einarsen

My father's Nikon camera sparked a passion for photography that has guided my life path. Photography is a unique blend of the technical and the creative that I find fascinating and rich. The pictures I have made over the years continue to move and inspire me every day.

I bet you have pictures that are special for you too. Not just because of what they show, but because of what they mean. The visual bookmarks of your life. You want to keep them safe and available. You want to enjoy and share them. Pictures are the atomic particle of experience. I was there. Remember the way we were.

That’s what Bluewater Imaging is all about. Take great pictures. Pictures that mean something to you. Keep them organized so that you can time travel on demand. Share them with the world because we learn when our view of the world is considered and seen.

Check out what others are saying...

"Paul is a gifted teacher. He is clever at articulating concepts that add a new dimension to your photos and how to work with them in the Apple world."


"Paul’s classes, and I’ve taken a couple, are always straightforward and informative. He goes step by step and offers a lot of extra tricks that are incredibly helpful. I would recommend any of his classes to anyone interested in learning more about Apple photos."

-Deb M.

 "I learned several easy tricks that have made organizing my photos a breeze!”

-Charlotte S.

"As a photography expert and an Apple genius, Paul is able to convey a clear overview of the total Apple framework in a simple and understandable way. In layman's terms, he provides very concrete steps as to how to maintain data and photo integrity, as well as storage, handling, editing, and presentation of the photo material. He even managed to charm a non-Mac believer into learning more about his Apple phone and iPad! I highly recommend taking a course with Paul, you learn, you feel empowered afterward, and he has such a comfortable style!

-Berit H.

"Paul is a patient tour guide and will reveal basics and surprises about how to efficiently use Apple Photos." 

-Kerstin R.

Get the Essential Mac Pro Training Today at 20% Off

Apple Photos for Photo Managers

40 video lessons that cover key aspects of the client expectations, technical setup, and business considerations.

This course delivers almost 9 hours of valuable content about clients, file handling, features, quirks, philosophy, history, promise, editing, setup, remote management, great practices, and revenue opportunities with the Apple Photos ecosystem.

Regular Price: $495

Mac Tech Boot Camp

Back in the day, people learned how to change a tire when they had a flat. Or replace a fuse when the power went off. That was our everyday.

Now, our every day is online. With a computer. Running our lives and our business.

Mac Tech Boot Camp is about the basics of setting up and using your Mac. The digital equivalent of learning to change a tire.

Regular Price: $249

Total Value: $744

Today's Bundle Offer: $595

Save 20%!

Apply code CYBER2023 at checkout for an additional 25% off the bundle price!

Ends Midnight Tonight!

Choose to pay in full, or break it up:

Still not sure this bundle is for you?

Included is our no-risk guarantee!

If you aren't satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 days for a full refund.


I’m new to Photo Management. Is this bundle for me? 

If you have a Mac and plan to help Apple-equipped clients manage their Photos library, then you will find these courses invaluable. The Professionals' Playbook for Apple Photos course assumes a working knowledge of the iOS and Mac operating systems at an advanced beginner to intermediate level. 

Do I need to have a Mac?

To access and manage the client’s Photos Library remotely you do need to have a Mac of your own. The course content is viewable with Mac or Windows online, and with the Teachable App on iPhone and iPad.

How is The Professionals' Playbook for Apple Photos different than other digital photo organizing courses?

This course supports the Apple Photos workflow in the way it was designed, with photos and videos being added to a Photos Library and managed mostly within the Photos app until being shared or exported for a specific purpose. This offers a consistent user experience across all Apple devices. Most other digital organizing courses prioritize broad standards and collection portability or are featuring other specific software solutions. 

Is the Apple Photos workflow better than traditional folder-based organizing?

It is just simpler for the right client. If they have an iPhone, a Mac, and are using iCloud to sync the two, they have a wonderful, user-friendly way to create and manage their photos. What could be better? Having said that, there are many use cases that don’t fit the Apple workflow and clients who prefer other solutions. This course helps you identify whether or not Apple Photos is a good fit for your client.

I’ve heard that I shouldn’t use Apple Photos for proper photo management. Are you saying I should?

Again, it all depends on the experience that your client wants, their level of technical skill, and what kind of ongoing support (you?) they’ll have. Apple Photos arguably delivers a great, consistent user experience. Clients don’t need much technical skill because it’s mostly an app based environment with multiple safety nets built in - for them AND you. For ongoing support, if you aren’t in the picture long term, Apple support and Apple consultants can quickly understand what you’ve set up. 

Where are the photos? I feel more comfortable seeing them in yearly folders in the Finder. 

Honestly, you aren’t alone. Many of us grew up in a world of filing cabinets, file folders, and spreadsheets, and it’s how we think of proper organizing. But smartphones changed that by containing related files in a specific app, not in folders. As computers get more and more like mobile, there is less and less reliance on folder organizing. In fact, folders are more and more a creative/authoring level tool than they are a daily file management tool. Real-world photo management is driven by apps that provide more efficient, non-destructive, visual workflows like Apple Photos. 

I don’t want my clients’ photos locked up in proprietary software like Apple Photos. 

All software is proprietary. Adobe products are also proprietary. As are the macOS and Windows operating systems themselves. Whenever software delivers a unique user experience of visuals, tools, and capabilities - unless it is truly Open Source - that software is proprietary to someone. The real question is whether the contents (photos) are portable. Can they be used anywhere? Photos can export the original images as needed or convert them to several file formats. In fact, that’s the whole point of Photos as a photo hub. The contents are always protected in their original form and can be exported as needed for other purposes. You can’t always say that about folder-based storage that’s open to the Finder. 

Can Apple Photos create images to an industry standard? 

Which industry? What standards? Accepted Photo Management practices have borrowed from the Digital Asset Management and Photography industries, but both have much broader missions than the needs of typical consumers that we serve. Industry standards evolve as a response to changing needs and we are at the forefront of that process, not trailing it. Our industry - photo management - is a unique mashup of history and innovation that needs professionals who can merge the two. 

Does this course go into scanning and digitizing? 

No. In fact there are many aspects of photo management that are outside the scope of the course or are assumed to be used inside Apple Photos, like basic ABC organizing techniques. In no way does Apple Photos do everything a Photo Manager will need to do to serve their client but it can simplify a central part of the whole photo management process. 

What if I find it's not for me? 

The course comes with a 30-day guarantee. If you aren't satisfied, just contact us for a full refund.